Uncle Austin new song download

Uncle Austin new song download (real name Austin Luwano) is a Kinyarwanda musician from Kigali, Rwanda. Austin is also a songwriter and radio presenter at Kiss FM. Uncle Austin joined the music industry in 2005, but due to other responsibilities, he was forced to pull out until 2014, when Uncle Austin’s new song download surfaced, he switched back to music.

Uncle Austin began his musical dream at a tender age. This saw him becoming a member of a school choir. He has worked with some of the country’s most prominent artists. Before working with Kiss FM, Uncle Austin’s new song download became famous in 2014.

In April 2015, Austin formed an all-female musical group called ‘Real Four Female.’ He is the pioneer of the first music group in Kinyarwanda that was founded to boost the country’s budding music industry. He has worked with several local famous artists, including Meddy and The BEN KAYIRANGA.

In an interview with New times:

Tell us something about your new song download :

About uncle austin music, I do have quite a number of Uncle Austin new songs downloads and videos. In fact, as we are talking, I am in the process of shooting my latest video called IBIHE BYOSE REMIX and I have also released my new song called NDAFUHA.

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